Yarn-wrapped Sticks become Collaborative Art

So, I have a vision for these babies.

Fiber Art + Nature Art for Kids - Yarn Wrapped Sticks [DoArtBetter.com]
Yarn Wrapped Sticks

These sticks are about 10 inches long and nothing special. I collected them from my yard and wrapped them in some of our colorful yarn.

Collaborative Art Project

Later this month, we have the honor of participating in a local elementary school’s 5th Grade Celebration. This will be the fourth year we’ve traveled out of here studio to create something special with the graduates.

Last year we did a collaborative ocean-themed printmaking project.

Printing with kids on canvas - fish and underwater creature tapestry [DoArtBetter.com]

Collaborative Ocean Tapestry

This year, I want to do wrap sticks and weave them into a giant “tapestry.”

Here’s my test so far with just nine practice sticks.

I’m using a fine aluminum wire to bind them together in a figure-8.

So far, I’ve learned that I need to find straighter sticks!

Can you imagine what this will look like with 120 sticks?! (Mostly likely 3 “ladders” of 40 that we’ll weave together after they are all complete.)

I’m so excited!

3 Ideas for Outside Creativity

Want to make the most of this beautiful spring weather? Try taking CREATIVITY outside today! Here are three ideas to get you started:

? DRAW OUTSIDE – any drawing materials will work. We like sketchbooks because then the papers don’t blow away! Draw “big”, like the scenery you see in front of you. Or, draw “small”, like the details of a tiny flower you find or a small bug

? FIND TEXTURES – take a sheet of paper and a crayon or charcoal stick and find different textures. Place the paper over a tree trunk and then rub with the long side of the crayon. Next try the sidewalk, or the picnic table. Or a leaf! How many textures can you find? See if your friends can identify the textures!

? TAKE PICTURES – take the camera outside with zero pressure of making a great picture. Just have fun. Zoom out. Zoom in. Go on a treasure hunt. Teach the kids how to use the camera and notice how different their perspective is!

What will you do to be creative today? (Inside or outside!)

How to Talk to Children about their Art

Kids drawings are unique and personal.  How we address these artist expressions is important!

Ever struggle with what to say when a child shows you a picture they’ve drawn? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

• “Tell me about it!”
• “What inspired you?”
• “What materials did you use?”
• “Can you talk me through how you made this?”
• “I like looking at your art.”
• “I love hearing you talk about your art.”
• “If you were to do it again, would you do anything differently?”
• “Did you discover anything new as you were making this?”
• “Do you which part attracts my attention? I noticed THIS part first because…”

What phrases do you use to talk about art with your kids?

How to Make Easy Paper Beads

Everyone has junk mail catalogs or magazines laying around, right? Let’s turn those into some amazing (and easy) paper beads!


  • Scrapbook paper, junk mail, magazines, etc
  • Scissors
  • Glue or modpodge
  • Paint brush (for applying the modpodge)
  • Wooden skewer

Video Tutorial

Use your new creations for a wire sculpture invitation here.

10 Reasons we love paper beads

In case you need a reason to try this at home, I’ve put together 10 of them:

  1. Almost anything you can do with regular beads, you can do with these!
  2. You’ll never be without beads again…because you can make your own.
  3. So so so good for exercising those fine motor muscles.
  4. Customize your jewelry by making beads in any color and pattern.
  5. Use different shapes of paper strips to make different shaped beads.
  6. They are inexpensive.
  7. But they LOOK impressive (like real beads).
  8. They are relaxing to make once you get into a rhythm.
  9. If you don’t want to cut your own paper strips you can buy them pre-cut!
  10. It’s something you do as a family.

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How to Make Awesome Paper Beads