Glue guns for ALL! I love our low-temp hot glue guns that we have in the studio. So I will proudly allow most all ages use them because hot glue guns for kids is a game-changer.
Why? Well, for a couple reasons:
One, because they are an incredible tool for building. Sometimes, hot glue is SERIOUSLY the only thing that’s going to get the job done.

And, two, I love them…because they are slightly dangerous.
Risky, slightly dangerous situations provide important learning opportunities AND they create interest and excitement. Accomplishing (conquering!) that dangerous situation builds confidence. Children learn about their own abilities and sensibilities.

In the studio–whether its glue guns or power tools or hot wax for kids–we always review the safety instructions. And, we never make a student use something that he or she is uncomfortable using. But, given the opportunity and the proper guidance, you might be surprised what these young people are capable of!
Read more about what the Chicago Children’s Museum has to say about the value of dangerous play:
I love the fact that ART gives us so many opportunities to explore new (and dangerous) tools and equipment.
Do you use any “dangerous” tools in your art making?
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